
Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to lose weight after baby ?

I think you should made a drastic change in your eating habits and started a form of exercise that's fun and incredible for losing those few pounds and sculpting all different parts of the body.
Hoop dancing, Swimming will your savior.
You also know that eating healthy, LOTS of fruits and vegies, as well as whole grains and raw sugars instead of white refined foods, plus LOTS of water, will help you to not only lose some of the weight, but to keep it off... When you do physical work, it makes you feel happy, and makes you have a healthier mindset... If you shut yourself in day after day and dont do anything, you body has no way of burning off the weight you gained while pregnant!! Good luck ladies, I hope that my advice works not only for you, but for me in the near future as well !
You will not only be proud of your body to everyone, but also attracted to the woman you are as well !